Tribal Elephant 
This is a unique creature. He dares to ruffle dry sands, unlike other elephants. His eyes, marks and action all bare a story that makes him different from his kind, superior, mightier, and possibly gifted with a divine sense.
 Sometimes the greatest revelations lie in your reflection. You have to look hard enough.
Larry the Giraffe
No matter how crooked, a genuine smile is a gift to the recipient, if only for a moment. His bead-like eyes are curious about the possible camera in his face, but he's content with the bright blue sky above and the lush green grass below that provides him with his meals. He's always known simplicity, and he has an unstirred peace within.
She's content with life and her achievements. She does not wish to fight any more battles. But that doesn't mean she can't. She's at a stage where she shall choose her battles wisely, fighting only those she believes are worth her effort.
This stag turned its head in the direction of an unfamiliar sound. Instincts beg him to run, but a more profound sense overpowers him to stay. At this moment, he has no fear. It's that time between the time when he's only invested in his senses.

There is steadfastness, courage and calculated aggression. This is the face of a leader who stands with his troops. He is not looking to fight but won't let his opposition see that. He is a wise and mighty warrior to his troops and his opposition. His troops look up to him for guidance, and his opposition gives him grudging respect.

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