Website Mockup Assignment 
The website mock up I designed is for a sports, and fitness center, called Athletes Destiny. I chose to do a webpage on sports and fitness is because I am really into sports and having the option to pick the topic of sports and fitness made it easier for me to choose what I wanted to do. For my webpage design I wanted it to look like sporty, and intense and kind of add the feel of motivation into it, so I added in a lot of different things such as the overlays on the banners to give them a intense look, I also played around a lot with the positioning of the text and I finally found a good spot for them to be placed in, I placed them opposite each other banner 2 has the text on the left and banner 3 has the text on the right. The colour of the type face kind of blended in with the banners so I also tried to darken up the overlay and the banner images so it would help show the text a bit more.
Wire Frame
Style Tile
Final Mockup
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